At Grantham College we aim to ensure that all our students achieve their true potential. We have over 70 years’ experience of providing education and training. In this time, we have developed a welcoming and supportive environment where the needs of students are always put first. 
We have something for everyone at Grantham College! Whether you are a school leaver, adult, or employer we can help you fulfil your potential, often at little or no cost. Grantham College is committed to supporting the training needs of local people and employers. We have the resources and expertise to deliver training in a wide range of disciplines from introductory level right through to degree level across many different subjects. 
Set yourself apart by immersing yourself into a professional and dynamic learning environment, with state-of-the-art facilities and multi-million-pound buildings. 

LIoT Investment 

Our multi-million-pound IoT (Institute of Technology) site sees the historic grade II-listed Stonebridge House into a state-of-the-art Engineering and Digital Skills hub. The IoT project has restored Stonebridge House back to its former glory by turning it in to a cutting-edge teaching and learning facility. The building is equipped with IT design studios, digital technology suites, and Engineering robotics 
Enjoy gaming? Love technology? Why not consider a career in digital technology? From software development to data analyst to technical support, the opportunities are endless. And there is great earning potential with many starter jobs from £27,000. The digital technology sector needs you! Employers across sectors need digital staff for a variety of roles. Many are struggling to recruit. Be at the forefront of exciting an career path. Find out about level 4 qualifications and apprenticeships in digital technology careers. Want a career in technology? Interested in areas such as cyber security, data analytics, software engineering, computer systems architecture, strategic information systems, fundamentals of AI and intelligent systems, network engineering and project management? Then look no further! Level 4 Digital Technologies qualifications – your next step towards a potentially high earning career. A flexible online programme with local tutor support and delivery. Prepare for your future! Contact or your local provider to find out more - Boston College, Grantham College, Lincoln College, University Campus North Lincolnshire 

Overview of the Courses available 

IoTs specialise in delivering higher technical university-level education (at Levels 4 and 5) with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and construction subjects. At Grantham College, the Institute of Technology focuses on Engineering and Digital routes. We offer a range of courses, from Apprenticeships, NVQs in the workplace to short distance learning and digital bootcamps. Course subjects include Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing & Cyber Security. Grantham College has a strong background in Engineering and welcomes the opportunity via the IoT to fill skills gaps in local industries. As the IoT will provide the latest innovative technologies to work with, the College is putting on many new Digital courses 
Grantham College & University Centre IoTs are designed to bring education providers and employers together to deliver higher technical education across their existing sites. As local employers are an integral part of this programme, the IoT will be equipped to focus on giving our students the technical skills that business’s needs, which helps them to prosper and leads to more and better local jobs. 

An Example of the Impact our Programmes have 

Three of our BTEC National Diploma Engineering students Sienna, Katie and Erin have recently formed strong partnerships with local employers, enjoying work experience with three Grantham-based engineering businesses such as Pentangle Engineering Services Limited, Grantham Fabrications and Profile Services Ltd. Their progress and passion for the industry is going from strength to strength. During their work experience placement, we celebrated women in engineering day on June 23rd 2022 for its ninth year. 
Sienna has been a varied stet of techniques at her work placement, from programming, welding, developing, and working on off-site projects. She said: “This is a fantastic experience and I have been expanding my knowledge in different areas and learning first hand. For me, this is the most sensible way to learn, by observing in situ and then giving it a go yourself. The team are great and give me clear instructions, supporting me until I have mastered each task. I then have a mix of supervised and unsupervised roles, and every day is different. Women who pursue engineering open a whole new range of career opportunities with lots to learn and the whole world to discover. You get to see things from different perspectives and apply skills that can be used in so many different roles. You could travel. You could save a life. It’s exciting to see where it might lead. I love that there are so many facets from the practical and logical through to creativity and imagination. That’s what makes this sector so special.” 
Katie Grew confidence within the first day of her work experience, after an apprehensive start worried about being the only girl on the team. She’s been working on a number of different projects, using the press machine, welding and even making a new forklift cage. On career options, Katie said: "I am thoroughly enjoying the experience, the team and the diversity of the work. I’m not sure yet if I want to go to university or go straight into a job, but this experience will help me with both options. I am also a sergeant with the Lincolnshire Army Cadets, which I love, so who knows… maybe I will look at combining engineering with this.”